
Sunday 27 January 2019

Summer Learning Journey - W3 D3 A1,A2

Activity 1: Bird of the Year! [4 points]

Aotearoa New Zealand is home to many different kinds (species) of native birds.  Sadly, about a third of our native bird species are at risk of disappearing forever (becoming extinct). 

Each year, Forest and Bird New Zealand hold a ‘Bird of the Year’ competition where people can vote for their favorite native bird. This year, the winner was the kererū (or wood pigeon). 

Go onto the Bird of the Year website, look through the native birds on the site, and choose one that interests you. 

On your blog, write a short description of your bird. Where does your bird normally live? What does your bird normally eat?  Post a picture of the bird underneath your description. Be sure to attribute your picture properly.

Task Description: For this task I had to choose a bird from the website provided. Then we had to write a description about our bird and add a photo. We also had to make sure we attributed the photo (s) correctly. The bird I chose is the Fantail (Piwakawaka). 
Activity 2: Flying Foxes [4 points]
Not only is New Zealand home to many native birds but we also have a number of native bats. Some of these bats are really small while others are much larger. None, however, are as large as the largest bat in Australia. It is called the flying fox and it has a wingspan of up to 6 feet or 2 metres. Wow! That is taller than most of us!
Flying foxes usually sleep during the day and hunt for food at night, using their ears to guide them through the darkness. Like other bats, they have the best hearing of any mammal. It is their ‘superpower.’
If you could have a superpower, what would it be? If I could choose, I would like to be able to fly. It would make it possible for me to fly back to Canada and visit my family whenever I wanted. How amazing would that be?!

On your blog, tell us what superpower you would like to have and why you’d like to have it.
My Superpower:
If I were to have a superpower I would choose Psychokinesis or Telekinesis. I don't know if it's a superpower but if it is that is what I would choose. I want want this power so I can control things (Physical Systems) with my mind.
Task Description: For this task I had to think of a superpower I would want. I chose Psychokinesis or Telekinesis. I also had to explain why I'd want this superpower.


  1. Hey there Makayla, it's Billy here again from the Summer Learning Journey. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on which superpower or superpowers you'd choose given the choice. I think you've decided on an interesting superpower. What sort of things would you like to control?

    I think I would choose to have the ability to fly or maybe even go invisible. I think the possibilities for these options would be endless.

    What would be your second choice for a superpower?

    Thanks, Billy.

  2. Hey, hello Makayla, thank you for sharing your favourite New Zealand native bird, the fantail or Piwakawaka. It's beautiful. New Zealand have so many different colourful and pretty birds, it's hard to choose a favourite.

    Have you seen many over your summer break?

    Thanks, Billy
