
Wednesday 16 August 2017

Picture book Narrative

Once on a normal day Makayla and her seven minions were called into the NASA space HQ. Their boss Mr Sommerville told them they had to go to space to check the 8 planets in our solar system. “Ok let’s get ready then” said Makayla. So Makayla and her seven minions got ready to go to space.

“This is the rocket you are flying on. It is the fastest rocket for our space station. Here you go get in and fly out of here” said Mr Sommerville. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“Well here's Mercury the teeny weeny planet of all. Let’s go check on it” Said Makayla. “Wow this place is very small. I need to sit down, OUCH my bum is hot. You dumb bum” said Makayla. “I don’t like this planet it’s way too hot” said a minion. “Let’s go to Venus instead” Said Makayla. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“Ok here’s Venus the second planet from the sun. I kinda like it” Said Makayla, “ok then let’s go check this baby out” said a minion. “Hey did you know that this is the hottest planet in our solar system” Said Makayla. “Wow this is really boring it is really hot and tiring I need to lie down, OWWWWWWW” Said a minion, “LET’S go I don’t like this stupid planet” Said a  minion. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“Oh Earth We don’t need to check it” Said Makayla. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“Wow Mars is so Red, no wonder why it’s called the Red planet because in the sky it appears as a red star” Said a minion. “This planet’s great I really like it” Said Makayla. “Ulala Somebody has a crush” said a minion, “Shut up you dummy” Makayla replied. “Oh well let’s go and check on big mama Jupiter” Said a minion. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

So Makayla and her seven minions went in their rocket to the next plent which was Jupiter. “Ok here’s Jupiter let’s check this big mama out” Said a minion. “Wow Jupiter is so big” Said Makayla. I wonder how big this storm is, It must be really bad” Said a minion. “Well I guess we can go to the next planet” Said a minion. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“So apparently our next trip is to Saturn, let’s check it out” said Makayla. So Makayla and the minions went to check on Saturn. “Oooh I like it’s rings they're really pretty” Said a minion. “Well we can’t go on it because if we stand on it we will fall all the way into the planet, suffering higher temperatures and pressures until you get crushed inside the planet” Said a minion. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“Yay we’re going to my favorite planet, Uranus” shouted Makayla. So Makayla and the minions went to check on Uranus. “We can’t go on it though because if we land our spacecraft on Uranus then we will fall all the way into the liquid icy center” said Makayla. “So I guess it’s looks normal and great, let’s go to the next planet” Shouted a minion. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“Ok to be honest I can’t wait to visit Neptune it is a great and beautiful planet I really love the color” said a minion. So Makayla and the minions went to visit Neptune. “Wow it is really beautiful” said Makayla, “But that’s stink that we can’t stand on it, it’s so pretty” said a minion. “Ok then let’s go home we checked out the other planets it’s time to go back home my friends” said Makayla. So Makayla and the minions got into the rocket, and got ready to blast off. Countdown 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 BLAST OFF!

“Look there’s Earth we’re nearly home guys” said a minion. “I can’t wait to go and tell Mr Sommerville that we checked on all the planets and they were great” said Makayla. So Makayla and the minions waited for the rocket to land back on Earth so they could see their family and friends and tell them how their trip was. After this day Makayla and the minions told their friends and family and they were so amazed.

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