
Wednesday 30 March 2016

Year 5 & 6 camp

Walt: make connections across a wide range of texts.

I visited Lesieli's Year 5/6 camp. She was a year 5 and went in 2012. She was excited to go to Year 5/6 camp because it was her second time sleeping in tents and she couldn't wait until they went to the pools so she could go on the hydro slide. She also wanted to do cooking with Mr Jarmen. 

At Year 5/6 camp I was excited to do cooking but something different about that is that  we cooked with Ms Garden not Mr Jarmen. and I was excited fo the slide but it was inactive that day we went.  but I had really fun at Year 5/6 camp. WOO HOO 

Hi I think hat you should look at Lesieli's blog because she is a great learner and she's great at explaining her blog posts.

Year she went: 2012

Year: 5
Highlight: cooking with Mr Jarmen
2nd Highlight: Hydro slide at the pools
Task Description:
I had to write 2 paragraphs. Paragraph 1 I had to explain who is Lesieli and when she went. Paragraph 2 I had to say the experience that was the same or different to the things I liked and the thing she liked.

We also had to make a shout out to the world to say something about Lesieli. I also added a picture of 2016 year 5/6 camp concert and The Kind Legends won my group I was so proud of my team. Here is the picture, I hope you enjoyed my story.

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